Posted by on Apr 6, 2016 Views: 25229

10 Volunteer Opportunities Where You Can Cuddle Animals

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Whether you have your own zoo back home or need some more animal loving in your life, if you volunteer with animals your mood will be instantly lifted. Here’s a collection of places you can cuddle animals and give back at the same time.

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Pet Peace of Mind

Older adults are more likely to live in poverty and isolation. They often put their pets first, sharing their food with them or foregoing food altogether to feed them. Pet Peace of Mind helps facilitate the care of hospice patients’ furry best friends when they are unable to. Pet Peace of Mind also helps see that the pet is safely re-homed when the time comes. Find out how you can help here.

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Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary

The Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, located in North Carolina, takes in cats deemed unadoptable by shelters because of blindness and provides a home for them for life. According to their website, “Blind cats have no idea that they are blind, but they know that they are cats.” Volunteer to play with blind kitties here.

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In Sync Exotics

Ok, you might not be able to snuggle these cats. But after meeting volunteer requirements, you might be able to train the exotic felines that In Sync Exotics, located in Texas, rescues from abandonment. If that sounds like your cup of tea, find out more here.

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Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc.

This organization, located in Florida, rescues neglected or abused horses, then rehabilitates and re-homes them. They are a no-kill sanctuary for unwanted and sometimes disabled horses of all ages. Find the volunteer application here.

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Dogs on Deployment

This nationwide nonprofit finds temporary homes for pups while their military owners are deployed. Find out how to become a DoD boarder here.


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Lap Dog Rescue of New Mexico

This organization rescues small dogs and places them within their network of foster homes while they search for forever homes. Since they specifically care for small companion dogs, you know your foster pup will be ready to snuggle! Become a foster parent to a furry pal here.

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Sanctuary for Senior Dogs

This nonprofit, located in Ohio, rescues and re-homes senior dogs. They even match senior dogs with senior people in mutually beneficial situations. Sometimes the dogs rescued by Sanctuary for Senior Dogs are too ill or emotionally damaged to be re-homed. In those instances, they need a loving hospice home, which the Sanctuary provides. According to their website, they have several volunteer opportunities to help love and take care of their elderly pups. Contact them here to help out.

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Educated Canines Assisting With Disabilities (ECAD)

ECAD, located in New York, trains dogs to be service animals for people with disabilities. They also have specific programs, Project HEAL and Canine Magic, specifically for partnering service dogs with veterans and children with autism. Even if you aren’t a dog handler, you can still volunteer. Among other things, they need people to provide homes for dogs in training on the weekends to teach them basic manners and socialization. Find out more here.

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Rikki’s Refuge Animal Sanctuary

Rikki’s Refuge, located in Virginia, is an all species animal sanctuary. It sits on over 330 acres of protected land, where abandoned companion and farm animals are welcome to live out their lives. Rikki’s accepts animals regardless of age and disability. Check out their volunteer opportunities here.

An Animal Shelter Near You

Use our site to find an animal shelter near you! Call and ask if they need volunteer dog walkers, foster homes or any other type of assistance.