Top Volunteer Opportunities in Henderson in 2019

Want to volunteer or intern at a great Henderson nonprofit? Whether you’re new to the city and want to learn about its charities, trying to change up your routine with some local charity work, or just want to volunteer or intern at a neighborhood nonprofit, everyone knows that the best way to find the right place for you is from the people who’ve been there!
Here’s a list of volunteers’ and interns’ favorite Henderson charities. Every nonprofit on this list has earned an overall score of 4 or greater out of 5 on If your favorite Henderson nonprofit or volunteer gig is missing, find it on, write a positive review, and show your co-volunteers how to start adding reviews and get it on the list!
The Churchill Foundation
“The Churchill Foundation always goes above and beyond in helping rescue as many dear souls as possible. Their motto is ‘For Life’ and they comply with that 100 percent. If someone adopts a Churchill and for whatever reason can’t keep it, Churchill will step up and find another loving home. Churchill also specializes in medical rescues and never gives up, no matter the challenge. The volunteers of Churchill are like a huge family, always ready to help transport, take to doctor appointments, foster, whatever it takes to save a life.” –Volunteer
The Legends Kids First
“I worked with the Legends as a basketball coach for a couple years and always had a blast. Kind people, good basketball, and lots of laughs. They helped me find out that coaching was a real passion of mine, and for that I will be forever grateful. And Cardte is amazing.” –Nicholas P
Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation
“Working with the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation has been one of the most amazing and humbling experiences of my life. Seeing each student’s confidence and independence grow throughout each program opened my eyes to the dedication and hard work each staff member put in each program.
The various programs are designed to expand each participant’s independence and life skills, while allowing them to interact with other visually impaired students. The families’, participants’, and staff’s personalities and interactions with each other, volunteers, and the public are proof that, to them, visual impairment is a diagnosis, not a disability.” –Brimonkey95
Little Miss Hannah Foundation
“The Little Miss Hannah Foundation does so many fabulous things for kids with rare diseases. It has donated many pieces of specific equipment to families who couldn’t otherwise afford it for their children with special needs.” –Saradbartlett