Posted by on Oct 30, 2019 Views: 3452

Top Volunteer Opportunities in Fresno in 2019

Fresno Skyline Rodney Gavroian Wikimedia Commons

Want to volunteer or intern at a great Fresno nonprofit? Whether you’re new to the city and want to learn about its charities, trying to change up your routine with some local charity work, or just want to volunteer or intern at a neighborhood nonprofit, everyone knows that the best way to find the right place for you is from the people who’ve been there!

Here’s a list of volunteers’ and interns’ favorite Fresno charities. Every nonprofit on this list has earned an overall score of 4 or greater out of 5 on If your favorite Fresno nonprofit or volunteer gig is missing, find it on, write a positive review, and show your co-volunteers how to start adding reviews and get it on the list!

Global Brigades5-stars

Volunteers in Pamana Global Brigades Inc

“I joined Global Brigades in the hopes of gaining medical experience while helping people in a rural community in Central America. As I got to know more about the organization, I am absolutely in love with what Global Brigades stands for and its mission. I went on a brigade and it was life-changing for me, so much that I am going for the second time. I am also on the executive board for our chapter at our university. I want to keep continuing my involvement until graduation, but also find a way to remain involved when I become a medical professional as well.” –samhitha.d

California International Order of Rainbow for Girls 5-stars

“Our first experience with Rainbow Girls was a cupcake baking party. We knew no one when we walked in the door. By the end of the night my daughter was having a sleepover at one of the girls’ house. We went to help sell the cupcakes the next day. The following weekend we were at the beach for ‘clean the beach’ day. It has been just over three months now and we feel like we have a whole new family. It has been amazing!” –Karen283

Feral Paws Rescue Group5-stars

Kitten rescued Feral Paws Rescue Group“This rescue has helped save many cats from high-kill shelters in California. They are an all-volunteer team, and have earned professional ‘pull’ rights with many shelters. Local animal control has vetted and approved of this rescue. They have also worked with animal rescues out-of-state, and have worked with Wings of Rescue for transport of cats to pre-approved adoptive paw parents in another state! And this is a rescue that operates only on donations. They recently outgrew their storefront facility, and now are building on property where many more cats can be saved from certain shelter death, and now have a second chance at having a safe and loving forever home. Those cats that aren’t adopted can live out their lives at the rescue. We can’t do everything — but we can do something!” –Writer

Valley Animal Center5-stars

“I have recently started volunteering at the Valley Animal Center. It is a great nonprofit no-kill animal shelter that gives dogs and cats a temporary home until they can find their forever owner. This is the cleanest and best-kept animal shelter that I have ever been to. The animals are provided with a clean and healthy environment that ensures a healthy dog for potential owners.

I love volunteering here because I get to clean, help out, and just play with the animals. The animals there are so loving and happy and really appreciate volunteers like myself taking their time just to give them some attention and affection.” –megan.mets