Top 8 Volunteer Opportunities in Sacramento in 2019

Want to volunteer or intern at a great Sacramento nonprofit? Whether you’re new to the city and want to learn about its charities, trying to change up your routine with some local charity work, or just want to volunteer or intern at a neighborhood nonprofit, everyone knows that the best way to find the right place for you is from the people who’ve been there!
Here’s a list of volunteers’ and interns’ favorite Sacramento charities. Every nonprofit on this list has earned an overall score of 4 or greater out of 5 on If your favorite Sacramento nonprofit or volunteer gig is missing, find it on, write a positive review, and show your co-volunteers how to start adding reviews and get it on the list!
Women’s Empowerment
“I had the opportunity and pleasure to assist as a mentor to women participating in the program. There are many values in this program that is designed to support and enable women to become independent, and learn to recognize their own worth. There are many good things to say about the program: its practicality, its emphasis on the women participants’ responsibilities in the workshops, excellent and caring management, and finally the joy experienced by the women of realizing their own capabilities.” –Sunsh
Move America Forward
“Hello, My name is Lisa Sanchez. l am a recently retired hospital corpsman with the United States Navy/Marine Corps. I have recently been volunteering at the ‘Move America Forward’ organization here over in Rancho Cordova. We work gathering supplies and shipping them overseas to our brave and heroic soldiers. I myself being a vet find this job very fulfilling and gratifying. Let’s all say a prayer to all of our troops over there doing a good job. Keep up the good work all you ladies and gentlemen. Semper Fi!” –lisarom
California ReLeaf 
“We started working with California ReLeaf in 2017 as a grantee and have been impressed by the staff’s knowledge and expertise. ReLeaf staff are always willing and able to to work with us on any issues with our project. They are equally committed toward the success of our project, which is encouraging for us as we work through a three-year tree planting project. Equal to the staff’s expertise is their kindness and openness to people and organizations that are not traditionally in the urban forestry sector. California ReLeaf’s commitment to strengthening our urban forests is contagious, and we are grateful to have them as a key piece to our project’s success.” –TrentE
Sheriff’s Community Impact Program
“I am a law enforcement officer who has been personally involved in leading and mentoring within SCIP’s SHOCK program. I truly believe in the SHOCK program because of the interactions and resolutions that I had seen afterward. Programs such as this need to be recognized on a higher level because it can have a positive influence toward those teenagers and young adults. I feel honored to have been a part of the SCIP team and to help those who needed the push.” –JonGWalton
Union Gospel Mission Sacramento
“I’m not even sure how I became connected with the Union Gospel Mission, but I have been donating to them for more than 20 years. Over that time, I have received heartfelt thanks in the mail and through invitations to visit the mission and tour the facility and hear about the ministry and good work they do.
“So much reaching out goes on at the Union Gospel Mission. Many have probably never heard of it, but there is a lot of love and sincere caring there.
“There are many other places that ask me for donations, but I truly feel that the money I donate to the Union Gospel Mission is put to such rewarding use. Those who go through the program at the Union Gospel Mission come out with a new focus and hope.
“I believe in the work that the Union Gospel Mission does and will continue to support it.” –Writer
Omni Youth Programs
“Omni Youth Programs is an outstanding and compassionate organization that truly defines what it really means to give back to the community. The directors and team demonstrate amazing passion in what they do for the program and their efforts to provide informative resources for individuals in Sac County. The work and wonders of what Omni Youth Program is doing is highly remarkable to bring awareness on marijuana use for adolescents. I am sincerely grateful for such a vital organization to be here in Sacramento to impact the lives of family and teenagers. This is truly one of a kind.” –jimmyvang
Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento
“The company I work for has been volunteering with the Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento for years now and we have come to know the staff well. The staff and executive team put in tremendous effort to be a positive force in the lives of children when they need support and unconditional love the most, during turbulent times when they’ve had to be removed from their homes.
“The positive impact this nonprofit has on our community is incredible. My team and I are always thrilled to be able to help such a wonderful nonprofit with an impactful mission.” –Writer
Sacramento Loaves and Fishes
“My husband and I are 30-plus-year volunteers at Loaves and Fishes. Unlike many charities, they do not accept government funds, only donations. Also unlike many others, they serve the whole person, not just meals. The clinic is wonderful and Mustard Seed School should be an example to many other communities for providing schooling to homeless children. I’m proud to be associated with this organization!” –Joanne B.2