Posted by on Jun 5, 2012 Views: 4633

Small Nonprofit Makes the Most of Green Awards 2012

Thank you to the Conservators’ Center for this great email about how they made use of Greatnprofits:

“For a small nonprofit, it’s a big deal to be featured as the Top Local Green Nonprofit of the Month on Huffington Post. When the GreatNonprofits campaign began we encouraged our Facebook fans to post reviews on our two pages ( and, and added a similar request to our e-newsletter and to the thank-you email we send new visitors after their first tour of our facility. We were blown away by how many responded!
We love to hear about how  your organization is using GreatNonprofits as a resource. If you have a success story to tell, email it to and we’ll consider it for the next newsletter.

We love to hear about how  your organization is using GreatNonprofits as a resource. If you have a success story to tell, email it to and we’ll consider it for the next newsletter.

The reviews literally brought some of our hardworking employees and volunteers to tears. More important, they highlighted what people most enjoy about the Conservators’ Center, which has helped us better refine what we do to ensure visitors walk away determined to tell others about us. Thank you for challenging us with a campaign that has brought us a lot of good!”
-Mandy Matson
Conservators’ Center