Organizations Giving Animals a Voice

Since humans domesticated some animal species centuries ago, we have also been concerned with protecting them. The more we learn, the more energy there is to take action. With so many different factors taking a toll on various animal species, there is much work to be done to protect their welfare. The great news is that there are many different nonprofit organizations working in this field. Some are focused on raising awareness and advocacy while others do the physical work of taking in animals and helping rehab them. There is something for everyone in terms of donating or volunteering.
Today, we are highlighting six nonprofits doing work all over the country and the globe to protect animals in different ways. From signing petitions to natural disaster rescues, there are many ways to help.

Lady Freethinker
Los Angeles, CA
Animals aren’t able to speak out, so Lady Freethinker does it on their behalf. They are a nonprofit media organization that publishes petitions and news to educate the public on different issues impacting animals. A recent victory for them saw the strongest conviction in Chile for animal cruelty on a case they helped investigate.
Here is a recent note from a donor:
“Lady Freethinker is a wonderful nonprofit who gives a voice to the voiceless. I’ve signed all their petitions, which expose unbelievable animal cruelty. The stories are inhumane, unconscionable, and deplorable. We must fight back and do everything possible to make it stop. Punishing those responsible for the atrocities and making animal cruelty a felony is what we strive for and that’s why signing the petitions is so important. They bring to light the unimaginable cruelty that so many of us are unaware of. The work of LFT is critical and a big step in the right direction. We must all fight vigorously to stop animal abuse!”

Best Friends Animal Society
Kanab, UT
Shelters across the United States for dogs and cats are at capacity every day, and unable to find homes for their animals. This incredible organization works tirelessly to help these animals and save their lives. At the center of the organization is the sanctuary where at any given time, 1600 animals are receiving the medical care they need and getting the love they need to overcome their past. Recently, they’ve been working hard to place pets from Texas during this COVID pandemic. Within the first three weeks of the pandemic, they were able to move 304 animals out of crowded shelters in Texas to states where there was the ability to take them in.
Their entire focus is on ending the killing of dogs and cats in shelters, and their donors help them make their mission possible. Here is a recent review from a longtime donor:
“I have nothing but admiration and gratitude for Best Friends Animal Society. They are absolute leaders in the fields of animal rescue, adoption, P.R., linkage to so many other animal rescue organizations across the country, and now leaders in a “ no-kill” Drive.
Not only do they go to any lengths to ensure the health, safety and well-being of the animals that come to their notice, but in any crisis they reach out and recruit teams to be on the spot with great success in either reuniting people and their pets or rescuing the animals and flying or driving them to safety.
I live in Canada. I can’t give much money to Best Friends; however, I give little bits throughout the year because I believe they are the best, bar none, spokespeople for animals in North America. And they are the best at positive action on behalf of animals as well.
Bravo and please, keep up the amazing work.”

Endangered Species International
San Francisco, CA
Using cutting-edge science and research, this organization is working to protect the 16,000 species of animals that are threatened by becoming extinct in the near future. They focus mainly on those that have the highest chances of being extinct first. Their current projects include rainforest protection, new marine protected areas, stopping wildlife trafficking and much more. There is so much work to do to protect these animals’ homes and bring awareness to their current situation. This organization is doing a lot and it’s obvious that they would love to continue to grow their reach.
Here is a recent comment from a donor of Endangered Species International:
“I always research organizations before I support them, and Endangered Species International consistently receives high ratings and is referenced by well-regarded scientists and champions of animals and the Earth. I am continually amazed by their abilities to uncover areas of need and to devote its personnel’s energies to tackling the problems in the most effective ways possible to save so many animals, plants, rainforest, ocean…”

Sacramento, CA
RedRover focuses on saving animals in crisis and helping to strengthen the bond between humans and animals. They can utilize their responders to shelter and care for animals displaced by various reasons including natural disasters, criminal seizures, and hoarding cases. One unique program they have is the RedRover Readers program that offers classroom curriculum that helps children understand different emotions and develop empathy skills that over time build stronger connection to animals and may help prevent cruelty and neglect. This nationwide organization is available for pet owners and others to find resources when they need them most.
Read this amazing story of a recent client from RedRover that was struggling with options for her beloved dog while battled COVID-19:
“I recently tested positive with COVID-19 and was very sick. I am a single woman who lives in a condo in Phoenix, AZ. I have a beautiful, magnificent German Shepherd, Simbre’ who is my heart! He’s so intuitive, smart, loving, patient, playful, active and silly. Because we live in a condo I walk him 45 mins to an hour every morning (early before is gets too hot) and we go out again in the evening, as well as other adventures throughout our days. As my COVID symptoms continued to worsen and my ability to care for Simbre’ became less and less, it became evident I was going to need some help.
I called the Arizona Humane Society and they put me in touch with Red Rover. I was able to secure emergency Boarding for Simbre’ and made arrangements for him to get situated there. Rachel from Red Rover worked directly with the Alta Vista Boarding here in Arizona and ensured that I would be able to utilize the special grants they had in place for emergency boarding situations like mine.
I cannot tell you enough how much anxiety, stress and fear you go through when dealing with COVID, add to that the huge amount of fear and stress in not being able to take care of this magnificent animal that I love so dearly.
To have an organization like this help me in my most dire time of need and help ensure my beloved pet was taken care of and there would be no financial hardship on me I can assure you helped lend to my recovery.
I cannot Thank Rachel and Red Rover enough for all you help, support and care! You will forever be an organization that I support. Please let all your generous donors know your help, your contributions, your support make a difference and mean so much to those of us who have benefitted from them.
Me and my PooPaw, Simbre’ appreciate you!”

American Anti-Vivisection
Jenkintown, PA
The mission of this nonprofit organization is to protect animal welfare by ending experimentation on animals and fighting all cruelty. Their main area of work is in the education area – focusing on ending vivisection and dissection in the classroom. By providing multiple educational resources for teachers and students at no cost, they are enabling classrooms to learn anatomy, physiology and psychology lessons without any animals being harmed. They also work to educate consumers on cruelty-free brands and cosmetic companies that do not test on animals. They are a strong voice advocating for animals.
Here is a recent comment from a donor:
“The American Anti-Vivisection Society is a wonderful, long standing organization that does amazing work for the welfare of all animals. They research alternative methods for testing in medical laboratories to show that animals do not have to be used and abused in tests. These alternative methods provide much better data regarding humans and saves the animals from cruelty and death. They support sanctuaries and promote cruelty-free shopping and just recently won a court case for the welfare and protection of birds. I believe in them so much that I named them my charity organization on Amazon Smile. Keep up your wonderful work, AAVS. The animals and the public need you.”

Humane Society of the United States
Washington DC
This is one of the nation’s most well-known and largest animal protection organizations. They work in three areas – rescue and direct care, education and awareness, and laws and policy. In 2019, they were successful in getting 15 states to strengthened their laws against animal cruelty and that’s just one of the success stories from last year. Among their current large fights are stopping puppy mills, improving the lives of farm animals and banning trophy hunting.
Here’s a recent review from a donor:
“The Humane Society of the United States (The HSUS) is my favorite animal protection charity because of the vast issues they take on to achieve their mission of the protection of ALL animals. They work to get to the root cause of the innumerable problems facing our country’s animals by working hard to pass federal and state animal protection legislation, they encourage and help corporations and companies implement animal welfare minded-policies, they educate the public by providing a wealth of professional information on everything from best practices in animal sheltering, to helping people become aware about the importance of eating with a conscience, to ways to humanely handle wildlife issues, and they provide incredible direct care for so many animals at their animal care centers (in TX, FL, CA, OR) and through the deployments of their animal rescue team and volunteers during man-made and natural disasters. No other charity is as effective as The HSUS and my family, friends, and I absolutely love them for it! This is a photo of one of the tigers who was rescued and is now in their care at their Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch.”