The World’s Best Organizations for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

An estimated 466 million people around the world have hearing loss or are completely deaf. Adults with hearing disabilities are less likely to find work. Children with hearing problems often underperform at school. Yet early interventions and diagnosis can have a dramatic impact on a person’s overall well-being.
These organizations for the deaf and hearing-impaired make a difference for those living with hearing loss. Please support these nonprofits as they work to improve the lives of children and adults all over the world.

Sense International India
Ahmedabad, India
Sense International serves those with both vision and hearing impairment — deafblindness — throughout India. The organization has helped tens of thousands of children gain early access to care, early diagnosis, and lifelong support to help them become fully functioning members of society.
This organization for the deaf works in conjunction with the Indian government to create education programs for deafblind children, giving each of them access to quality classrooms with specially trained teachers. Deafblind adults receive vocational training and medical intervention services. And the families of these individuals have access to support and education.
The organization has expanded from helping just 23 people in 1997 to more than 78,000 today.
Sense India works with deafblind and multisensory-impaired children and young adults. We are striving to bring meaning into such lives through education, training, and support to parents. It is almost 20 years that I have been with Sense India and have witnessed transformed lives through your support, so come forward and extend a helping hand. –Akhil, professional with expertise in this field

Texas Hands & Voices
Cypress, TX
This organization for the deaf and hard of hearing helps families navigate the challenges associated with their child’s special needs. Through peer-to-peer support, training, education, and workshops. Texas Hands & Voices and the “Guide by Your Side” program pairs parents of newly diagnosed children with more veteran parents, giving valuable empathetic support for these families.
In addition, this organization helps families across Texas afford hearing tests for their children where appropriate, helping children receive critical early intervention.
Texas Hands & Voices has given my family access to the resources we needed to get on the right track. Being able to talk to someone who’s already been down this road has calmed my fears and given us so much hope for my son’s future. –Kasi M., client served

VAANI Deaf Children’s Foundation
Bangalore, India
VAANI’s vision is to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing children can communicate with their biggest champions of all — their parents. The organization believes every child should have access to communication, education, protection, and equality in all areas of their lives.
This organization for the deaf and hard of hearing educates families, teachers, caregivers, and other members of society, helping them better understand deafness and better care for deaf children.
The goal is to allow deaf and hard of hearing children to actively participate in their families and their communities, having meaningful conversations about the world around them.
To date, VAANI has helped more than 27,000 children all across India.
If there is one thing that VAANI made me realize, it is that we take communication for granted. And how! VAANI is changing so many lives that struggle to do what we don’t even though we have the means to do it easily — express! –atreyee, general member of the public

The Decibels Foundation
Maynard, MA
The Decibels Foundation’s mission is threefold: to make sure deaf and hard of hearing children have access to early intervention and care; that families of these children have access to necessary technology and support; and that caregivers and professionals working with these children have the knowledge and support they need to adequately teach and care for these kids.
The organization accomplishes these goals by funding early intervention programs and helping parents and families access the care they need to care for their child successfully. The organization also hosts training sessions and seminars for educators, helping them understand deaf and hard of hearing children, and how to meet the challenges these kids face in the classroom.
I have a far better understanding of my son’s needs and experience from my interactions with the staff and families associated with the foundation. My ability to advocate for my son and his needs has been so profoundly improved. I can’t begin to express how grateful I am that this organization exists. –client served

Hearing Health Foundation
New York, NY
For more than 60 years, the Hearing Health Foundation has been a leading organization for the deaf and hard of hearing all across America.
The organization focuses primarily on funding groundbreaking research into hearing loss and treatments. They also advocate for protections and provisions from the federal government and work to raise awareness about deafness, hearing loss, and the impacts they have on individuals and society.
I am heavily invested in this research as I am personally affected by both. The HHF seeks out a variety of researchers who are working on these goals, as both conditions are multifaceted and need various intervention experiments. Please consider supporting this worthy organization today. –JPrice, donor
To learn more about these organizations for the deaf and hard of hearing, or to find organizations near you, please visit the GreatNonprofits website.