Posted by on Jul 2, 2012 Views: 3794

Celebrate July 4th with Some GreatNonprofits

brittanylynae via Flickr

Independence Day is a lot more than just barbecue parties and fireworks. Not that those things aren’t fun, (on what other day of the year can you wear overalls that are emblazoned with tiny American flags?) but on July 4th this year we challenge you to both celebrate and reflect on the true reason for the holiday.

It is a day to celebrate our country’s rich history and to remember the efforts made to secure our independence and the freedoms that come with it. In line with the spirit of the holiday, here is a list of reviewed nonprofits dedicated to the preservation and celebration of our country’s history. Nonprofits who work to uphold the spirit of patriotism, justice and equality.

1. Soldiers Undertaking Disabled Scuba Diving Inc.
“…They take wounded warriors returning from battle and restore some of the mobility they may have lost due to injuries. It must be very liberating to be unshackled from gravity and learn a skill which will last a lifetime. The physical and emotional benefits must be so uplifting!”

2. Intrepid Museum Foundation, Inc
“…I can think of no other organization that does as much good with the contributions they receive…. Films and speakers, overnight trips for schools and scout groups in the newly refurbished lower deck. Space exploration, aircraft from every era of aviation history. Special displays highlighting the US Navy’s early work in integrating our armed forces. It is a wonderful organization, and I am proud to support it.”

3. Telluride Historical Museum Inc
“…Telluride is an incredibly special place and without the Telluride Historical Museum to preserve and share its rich history the specialness of its past would be lost….”

4. Operation Understanding DC
“OUDC has been such an important part of my life and continues to impact me years after I graduated from the program. It has helped shape my education, career path, my way of thinking, my identity, and my understanding of history.”

5. Hope for the Warriors
“H4W gave me a reprieve from the daily struggle that is living with a combat injury, and more than that they showed me how much people care about us… I contacted a few of the people that helped me over a year later and they still remembered me.”

6. Military Historical Society of Minnesota Inc
“…. I become more and more impressed with each visit. I have visited many
history museums…,and this is clearly one of the best in terms of how the
storylines are written, quality of exhibit layouts, and artifacts displayed….”

7. Plymouth Historical Society
“….In all probability; it is, arguably, one of the real “gems” in the U.S.  A rich
repository of Lincoln memorabilia and a “Timeline” that captures the essence
of how important the growth of small towns was to the culture of Americana.
It is fair to say that the Plymouth Historical Museum is unique in presenting
the “America” that our founding fathers envisioned….”

8. The Silver Star Families of America
“My experience with this organization was as a banner recipient. I was amazed at the beautiful banner and certificate that was presented to me. I was totally surprised by all of this and still get very emotional when I think of the whole presentation itself. ”

9. Snowball Express
“I felt so proud to give a little of my time to those families who have made one of the greatest sacrifices a family has to make for the freedom we get to experience and enjoy. Snowball Express has given me the opportunity to give a little back to those families.”

10. Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc
“…I wish my mom knew about you guys when I was deployed. I think it would have helped her a lot. Now she is sharing her wisdom from my two deployments with others.”