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7 Small Ways You Can Help The Homeless

7 Small Ways You Can Help The Homeless

Photo by Giovanni Randisi on Unsplash


Give hope and resources to homeless veterans: Backpacks for Life Inc.

backpacks for life

“Backpacks for life Inc is a blessing for my family and I. We had reached out to over 100 nonprofits and backpacks for life Inc was the only one that had responded and helped us out with a bunch of personal needs while we were homeless!” – brittani0700

Backpacks for Life Inc. aims to provide homeless veterans with daily essentials that they cannot provide for themselves.

Click here for a list of items you can donate to Backpacks for Life Inc.

Hold a coat drive: One Warm Coat

one warm coat

“I have held a few coat drives and I love dropping off the coats to agencies and seeing the happy faces of those who could use the donations. One Warm Coat sends out a fantastic coat drive kit so that the drive looked professional and crisp. Can’t wait til this winter season.” – sarah9663

One Warm Coat supports individuals, groups, companies and organizations across the country by providing the tools and resources needed to hold a successful coat drive. Coats are distributed in the communities where they were collected, to any person in need, without charge, discrimination or obligation.

Click here to learn how to hold a coat drive in 6 easy steps.  

Distribute care packs to homeless children: Project Night Night

project night night

“Project Night Night is a wonderful organization that is so easy to get behind – helping the most innocent and vulnerable victims of homelessness. It is easy to volunteer and it is a great way to introduce even young kids to the idea of charitable giving.”ChiDevil

Project Night Night provides individual tote bags containing a security blanket, age-appropriate books, and stuffed animals to homeless children in an effort to help homeless children have a good night’s sleep.

Find a shelter served by Project Night Night in your state.

Donate new socks: The Joy of Sox

the joy of sox

“This is a grass roots effort to meet an under-recognized need – new, warm, dry socks for our homeless brothers and sisters. It’s such a simple concept and yet it makes such a profound difference in the daily lives of those living on the streets. In just a few short years, The Joy of Sox has improved the quality of life for quite literally thousands of people!”ambornemon

The Joy of Sox helps homeless persons by giving them new socks. Make a donation or click here for instructions on how to hold a sock drive.

Donate to a homeless shelter: HomeFirst Services of Santa Clara County


“HomeFirst is one of the very few that serves the chronically homeless. HomeFirst has the largest outreach team, the largest emergency shelters and is the go-to resource when the County needs small-scale emergency shelter for displaced residents (e.g., after a fire). The executive team is smart and personally committed to serving the hardest cases for as long as there is a need. I’m grateful that we have a resource like HomeFirst in our community.” ksaust

HomeFirst provides shelter and services to the homeless to help them get off the street and stay off the street.

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Volunteer at a soup kitchen: Martha’s Kitchen


marthas kitchen

“I continue to be amazed at how much good is done by Martha’s Kitchen’s staff- about 8 to 9 people total and they provide 300,000+ meals per year. In addition, the volunteers are able to interact with on-location clients and make their day brighter. Truly a positive and wonderful organization!!”Writer

Martha’s Kitchen serves meals to the homeless and low-income population at no cost to them.

Help them find employment: JobTrain


“I was jobless and homeless. I had a vision but did not know how to go about it. Jobtrain trained me for free and gave me hope. In Jobtrain, I learnt the importance of increasing my value always through training.” – wesloma 

JobTrain provides job skills training and placements to those who need it the most.

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