Posted by on Aug 28, 2020 Views: 5151

6 Ways You Can Help Hospitals

Photo Source: Photo by Javier Matheu on Unsplash

Volunteers are an essential part of nonprofits and their success. Hospitals are no different. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 4.9 million Americans volunteered their time at a hospital or health-related organization in the last year. In 2020, less people are able to volunteer in person due to being high risk amidst the pandemic.

Hospitals have needs that are constantly changing. They are trying to stay staffed and fully stocked with all the equipment required to keep people safe. This is our front line of defense against the pandemic and they are always in need of help and assistance. 

We are highlighting a few ways that you can help hospitals and the people they serve.

Photo Source: Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash


Financial donations are always helpful for any nonprofit. Most hospitals have a website where you can make donations directly to help them provide care for the community they serve. In addition to monetary donations, you can also check and see if the hospital is in need of new toys for their children’s area or protective gear for the employees. Donating blood is always another way to help and it’s completely free.

Send Food

One of the most popular ways to show appreciation for doctors, nurses and hospital staff during this pandemic has been through food. There’s a good chance you’ve seen a headline where a local business or kind individual has donated coffee, sandwiches or some kind of snack to the healthcare workers. It will never go unappreciated, so call your local hospital and see if they have a program set up for this.

Photo Source: Sofia’s Hope Facebook

Bring Some Joy to Patients

Some hospitals will accept cards and handmade art for their patients. There are also some incredible organizations that put together different campaigns to cheer up anyone that has an extended stay in the hospital. Sofia’s Hope is one that focuses on children with cancer. They have different programs like art therapy and adopt a stuffed animal just to bring some joy to the patients and their families.

Brighten Up Hospital Spaces

Photo Source: Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals Facebook

Research suggests that viewing nature can help create an environment of healing. It reduces stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure and many other incredible benefits. The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals was started with the goal of helping change the way hospitals feel for patients and their families. By getting photography into hospitals and other healthcare establishments, they are able to make a positive impact. They have placed over 6000 pieces of artwork in more than 300 facilities around the world. 

“This nonprofit helps patients in hospitals around the world by supplying them with donated art work specifically design to improve patient outcome & reduce staff stress based on evidence from hospital design research. As a contributing photographer, they made the donation process quick & easy.”


One of the main volunteer opportunities is transportation. Many hospitals use volunteers to transport patients between different areas of the hospital as well as escort them when they are being discharged. There is also the task of getting patients to and from the hospital if they do not have access to transportation. Call your local hospital if you want to get involved in helping.

Photo Source: MedStar Union Memorial Hospital Facebook

Volunteer in Person at the Hospital

Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland is an example of a hospital with some incredible volunteer opportunities and benefits for those who donate their time. They offer free flu shots and complimentary meals to their volunteers as well as many other benefits. Many hospitals have programs like this to help with administrative tasks, run the gift shops and assist with many different aspects of patient care. Call your local hospital and see what volunteer opportunities they have if you’re in the position to give your time.

“I have worked in several hospitals Maryland and Union Memorial is by far the best place to work and receive care. The staff is highly trained, friendly and patient focused. The clinical quality is outstanding.”

Thank you to our healthcare workers and hospitals for everything they do to keep us healthy.