Posted by on Feb 7, 2019 Views: 6990

4 Meaningful Ways to Show You Care This Valentine’s Day

two cute girls drawing on a notebook that reads Spread Your Love

The average spending on Valentine’s Day is expected to be a record $161.96 this year, according to the National Retail Federation. Buying flowers and chocolates are traditions on this holiday, but how about switching things up? Here are 4 ways to show that you care about loved ones and your community.  

1. Donate to your loved one’s favorite cause

A couple holding their hands together in a heart shape

This year, skip the flowers and chocolates. Show your beloved that you care about the causes that they are passionate about. Donate to your loved one’s favorite cause. You can make a donation in your beloved’s name to any nonprofit in the U.S. on GreatNonprofits.

2. A bouquet of flowers, or an entire community garden?

three people smiling at each other while gardening

Your flowers will be a memory in just a few days, but a donation to your local community garden will continue to give back as the months go by. This nonprofit, for example, could turn your donation into an enhanced community space:

Urban Ecology Center, Milwaukee, Wis. “I have been involved with the UEC for almost a year now, and I think the work they are doing to revitalize the communities surrounding their two (soon to be three) locations is outstanding. And I feel like I would be hard-pressed to find a more passionate and welcoming staff. I like that they offer so many ways to be involved in the work they do, education, citizen science, land stewardship, urban sustainability, community building, etc. There is a place for everyone at the UEC!

3. Stay in and cook a special meal

people volunteering at a community meal program

Consider donating the money you saved to a community meal program, like this one:

Hunger Fight, Jacksonville, Fla. “I LOVE that Hunger Fight is feeding hungry people! I see this organization using funds and food in a most efficient way!”

4. Do something good as a treat for yourselfhappy girl in red rose field

It feels great to lift up others. This Valentine’s day treat yourself and support a nonprofit that you care about by signing up for recurring donations. Recurring donations provide nonprofits with peace of mind and lowers their administrative costs. Give a recurring donation now!